Your gut is one of the most important organs in the body. Not only is the gut responsible for digesting food, it is the root cause of many health problems and diseases. Stress, antibiotics and processed foods destroy the gut. When the gut is not working properly, undigested foods can escape and be the cause of headaches/migraines, allergies, skin rashes, depression and anxiety on top of many digestive complaints like constipation and diarrhea.
So how do you take care of your gut?
1. Drink plenty of water. It hydrates the cells that line our digestive tract. Water makes digestion easier. Water flushes out the bad stuff. You need to remove the toxins that are harming our digestive track so it can function optimally.
2. Take probiotics and eat fermented foods. Probiotics and fermented foods feed the bacteria that lines our digestive tract. These bacteria are responsbile for breaking down and absorbing nutrients. Not feeding the gut bacteria causes these cells to die off, creating digestive complaints and eventually mental health issues. Fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha.
3. Movement. When we exercise, our body needs nutrients. The digestive tract will break down foods in order to feed the muscles. Daily exercise helps move the food through our digestive tract. Exercise does not have to be strenuous or complex. Daily movement can be as simple as going for a 20-30 minute. It can involve lifting some weights. Start simple. As your muscles strengthen, develop a more complex exercise routine.
4. Avoid antacids. The digestive tract needs acid to kill bad food/bacteria. The stomach produces acids to breakdown foods in the beginning of the digestion. Heartburn and indigestion are very common symptoms today so people take over the counter and perscription antacids to “fix” the problem. When there is no acid to kill the bad food and bacteria, these toxins are traveling to the gut and altering the gut flora. Altered gut flora can lead to digestive complaints such as bloating, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. Overtime other symptoms like headaches, allergies, skin problems and mental problems can develop.